Shop Policies

The following are policies as they pertain to customers of Tonebench. If you have any questions about the policies listed below please let me know and I'll be happy to answer any questions in order to set your mind at ease.


In order to schedule a repair appointment a $50 deposit is required and submitted via Venmo. Once your deposit has been received I will reach out to schedule a day and time. All appointments require to be scheduled atleast 1 day in advance. Available time slots are Monday thru Friday 3:30pm-6:30pm, and Saturday 10am-Noon. Please keep in mind only one appointment is allowed per day and scheduling in advance is preferred.

If you miss your appointment (no show), or reschedule/cancel your appointment the deposit is kept as payment for that scenario, and you will have to repeat the process with another deposit in order to reschedule. If you arrive when scheduled and proceed with the required repair work after the review of your instrument your appointment deposit is deducted from the final total of your bill. If it's decided after the review of your instrument that you don’t wish to proceed with the required repair work your appointment deposit is kept as a bench fee for the diagnostics of your instrument. Please keep in mind not all reviews can be done during the drop off appointment and most will require me to spend the time looking it over privately.

Hourly Rate & Costs

My standard hourly rate is $100.00 per hour. I also don't list public facing repair prices as they're always subject to change and each request varies. Requests such as setups, refrets, and nut work for example do have a flat cost that will be shared when required. Electronics work, and more involved jobs that require custom care will be billed on an hourly basis.

Work Accepted

I love to work on instruments, but there are requests that are easily handled by the owner. These types of requests include string changes, pickup height adjustments, tuning and so on. Requests that are easily handled by one's own hands. Requests that are more in-depth such as custom woodworking, setups, refrets, nut work, and electronics for example are the type of work I take on. If you're looking to restore an instrument to factory fresh condition, or make something look like it never happened please know that I cannot be that guy, and we wouldn't work well with one another. If you're looking for restoration of the highest degree specifically regarding finish I once again cannot offer any help. If the value of your instrument exceeds $50k I also cannot take on your repair nor do I enjoy working on priceless artifacts. I prefer getting dirty in the mud meaning I'm someone that can appreciate a highly modded MIM strat over vintage. Needless to say I'm not a wine snob and will judge things on a case by case basis.


Please avoid sending me photographs to make my judgements on. I require any repair to be brought to me in person for review however, there are cases where a single photograph can help me determine an issue and will be judged accordingly based on the context. Please refrain from abusing this privilege when it's required as a way to get free consultation advice.

Repair Reviews

All customers will be given an adequate window of time (30-45min) to inspect the work on their instrument(s) during pickup. This is your personal and intimate time to review what's been fixed. Once an instrument leaves my shop the work is complete and any further requests will be charged accordingly. Scheduling a repair pickup does not require an additional deposit however any pickup appointment that is rescheduled will be charged $50 for the change.


All customers receive 5 days from the time of completion notification to pickup their instrument(s). Anything beyond 5 days of repair completion/notification will be charged a storage fee of $30 per day. Once an instrument has been set to storage mode (after 5days) you will be opted out of any insurance that protects your instrument in cases such as theft, fire, flood etc. No instrument(s) will be protected once they go beyond the pickup time frame of 5 days.


Please refrain from sending messages or calling/texting before 8am and after 8pm. All messages received during those hours will be responded to on the next business day. When I have a need to communicate in length regarding a repair I will reach out by phone. If there is a scenario where the message is short I will text, but please keep things brief, and avoid additional lenghty questions that dont relate to the context being discussed. If texts become out of hand I will personally call to realign us and get things back on track.


All payments are due once the repair work is completed and scheduled for pickup. No instrument(s) is allowed to leave the shop until payment has been received in full. Invoices will be provided and electronic payments are only accepted through Venmo. Please make sure you, or someone you know has a working Venmo account before pickup to ensure your method of payment is working without hiccups. Cash is accepted however no change can be provided. If you arrive for pickup and fail to make a payment in full for the completed work a standard $30.00 fee will be charged per day for the storage of your instrument. You will also be opted out of any protective insurance during that time.


Estimates are just that. They are hypothesized guesstimations of the work required. Anything in this world that needs fixing is hard to see with 20/20 vision. Your estimate is just a guess and I will always communicate when I see situations of the estimate sliding beyond what it's originally expected to be.

Rush Fees

Regardless of my work que ayone that requires work to be accelerated will be charged a rush fee of $150 along with my repair costs for the work requested.


At this time there are no refunds given for repair work. I take great pride in what I do, and pour a large amount of love into the work as well as the time I spend getting to understand your needs. I have no plans on returning instruments with sub-par repair work and why I don't issue refunds. Rest assured your instrument will be repaired with quality and given the highest level of care. If for any reason a repair is revoked during work in progress the cost due will be 75% of the total estimate given along with a $50 bench fee. If a repair is found to be faulty from the work I've completed it must be returned within 1 working day. With these kinds of scenarios the fault must be proven in person as all work is documented and photographed. If a fault due to my work is not proven in person a standard bench fee of $50 will be charged.


Any owner that fails to stay in communication with me after a completion notification has been sent will risk having their instrument(s) become property of the shop. This is judged on a case by case basis so it's strongly encouraged to communicate with me in order to avoid this kind of debacle. Anyone that fails to communicate with me for 10 business days runs the risk of having their instrument become property of my shop so please make sure to communicate in a timely manner.

Pickup & Delivery

This service is not provided, but I'm always open-minded and willing to hear the reasoning if it's truly needed. Please keep in mind this is Nashville so my charge to sit in traffic in order to pickup/deliver your repair will be costly. Its always encouraged to drop it off and pickup in person as it will save you money, and that's always a good thing.


Believe it or not us repair folks talk. Each of us has our own set of horror stories when it comes to clients that lack decency and respect. I ask that all customers remain respectful, kind and courteous when speaking to me by phone and visiting my home/shop in person. If I see a situation going south due to inappropriate behavior I will hand out a single warning. If an inappropriate behavior is displayed again after that single warning you will risk becoming blacklisted from my shop meaning you nor any family members will be allowed back. I encourage everyone to avoid this kind of scenario at all costs cause it's not a fun place to be nor do I enjoy adding folks to this list.